2011年4月6日 星期三

darkroom plus scanning

this monday was the first day of our spring break,
i knew school didn't on the break now,
so i went there to develop some black/white and scan some color photos.
in fact, this was my first time developing B/W film, i used to develop color films,
i thought it should be no difference between using B/W film and color film into B/W photo,
but after this time, i realized that it is much harder to develop color film into B/W photos
because color film has three layers of colors: red, green and blue, 
it will cost the image hard to make the clear contrast and light.
On the other hand, B/W film doesn't have this problem, so it's much easier to develop.
So, here are the photo I developed on monday:

In the same day, after finishing developing photos,
 i also went to computer room to scan some color images,
the scanner is so slow that it takes about 10 mins for 3 images only,
it is a work which need many time and patience.
but the outcomes are great, i used my Lomography camera took photos,
because of the camera, the color of images are really pop-out,
it's so cool!! take a look!

