2011年1月24日 星期一

working week

last week, i signed-up many work shops and did many own works.
the first one was darkroom workshop,
this is what i expected for since i joined this course,
i learned how to develope photos by myself,
it is so~~~interesting,
so far i dont have my own photos, i wanna post the photo i took, so we'll see.

the next workshop is screen printing. it's so cool to use this printing machine,
i used the copy of patterns from my project "ditto press" to make it,

i think the outcomes are great,  
i'll do some more in my free time.

the last one, i made it at home,
one of classmates made the outcome of the patterns, i think it's great,
so i tried to make mine also,
i used photoshop to make it,
it's quite nice~

