2012年4月24日 星期二

Secret 7"

This is a exhibition of many print arts, Secret 7" http://www.secret-7.com/
I saw many great works here.
The project set out to rekindle some of the excitement for vinyl sleeve art in the digital era by exploring how a track would be interpreted by an array of brilliant artists. And raise a load of cash for Teenage Cancer Trust in the process.

Here are some works I really like.

2012年1月26日 星期四

Personal Website!

I finally made my own website portfolio

At first, I wanted to build it from cargocollective,

since I realized if I want to use my own domain name of the website,

I have to pay cargocollective to upgrade my account first,

so I was thinking what if I make by myself on dreamweaver,

then i just have to buy the domain name only.
I started making the layout of my website,

which is really similar to one of the cargo's layouts.
but I changed a little bit.

So, here's my website:

From now on,

This blog is going to post something I feel interesting or inspire me,
and upload my own works on my website.

Please give me some advice to improve my website in the future,

that will be really helpful to me,


2011年12月12日 星期一

A-z Logic Cube

This is the cube of my word logic.

The starting point is by Rubik's cube.
Using the word "LOGIC" typeface to become a kind of game,
 decorate them on the basement to become a fare cube.
I also made a book guide to show how people can play by this cube,
I made some examples of the structures.

2011年12月6日 星期二

a-z tactile

This is one of my favorite works for A-Z project: Tactile
the idea is to show the power of touching could be as strong as looking.
I asked 17 people to cover their eyes and touch the mask in 1 min,
then sketch down the mask as many details as they can.
Here are the 17 sketches:
After having 17 sketches, I layered them together to see would the image look like the original mask if all the details combine together.

I use vacuum former to create another mask and framed to be the final format.

2011年6月9日 星期四

book chapter-movement

this is the chapter of london journey.
the pop-art artist Roy Lichtenstein's work gives me the inspiration.
using pictures to describe the journey from my home to uni.
I try to make it like american comic.
 this is the one of my favorite chapter.

2011年6月8日 星期三

book chapter-rules

so, here are the pictures of my work for the chapter: rules,
i built a model of music hall,
during this chapter, i realized that i shouldn't limit myself only in "graphic" design
but all kinds of design.
using all kinds of materials, using all kinds of designing ways to inspire myself.

2011年6月6日 星期一

book chapter-repetition

This is the work i did for the repetition chapter.
Taking photos of classmates and put them together,
I really like the outcome of this chapter.