2010年11月8日 星期一

just like printing on the road

last night, i found an interesting view, 
the fallen leafs had been ground by cars,
 it looks just like printing leafs on the road, looks really beautiful

2010年11月1日 星期一

tate modern

i went to tate modern museum today.this is the second time i've been there, but it is still great.

 first of all, at the turbine hall, we saw a new exhibition from wei wei Ai, an artist. he created about a hundred million ceramics sunflower seeds. it is sooo cool. it used to let audiences walk on seeds, but unfortunately, it's unable to do that anymore because it creates dusts a lot....

after that, we went in the gallery, i was surprised and exciting to see andy warhol's works, he is my fevorite graphic designer.

 we also saw many interesting things